Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi — Part 2: Creating Producer and Consumer apps using Go and Scala and deploying on Kubernetes

Sina Nourian
8 min readOct 24, 2020


In the previous post, we have learnt about Strimzi and deployed a Kafka Cluster on Minikube and also tested our cluster. Now, let’s build a Producer application with Go and a Consumer application with Scala language, deploy them on Kubernetes and see how it all works.

This is the Part 2 of the Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi blog post. In case you haven’t read the previous post, I recommend you to check it out:

The Producer

For creating the producer, I would like to use the Go language. We’re going to add below dependencies to our module file:

github.com/segmentio/kafka-go // Kafkago.uber.org/zap // Logginggoogle.golang.org/protobuf // Message Serializationgithub.com/urfave/cli/v2 // CLI

With the help of urfave cli library, we can easily add some arguments (cli and environment variables) to our application. The variables we need are:

  • Kafka Bootstrap servers
  • Topic name
  • Buffer size (for batching messages)
  • Sleep time between producing messages

Check out the code on my Github to see how I leveraged this library to easily add and use these arguments.

Let’s create kafka.go file with two methods in it. One for creating a producer and one for creating a consumer (Although we are going to only use the producer, but I wanted to show you how to create a consumer too).

Now, let’s create a very simple message schema using Protobuf and generate Go output using protoc:

And here’s the code that creates and produces messages to Kafka:

In the code above, we are putting serialized messages inside a buffer slice and produce them to Kafka as a batch.

There are some other (not complicated) parts in this project (health check api, graceful shutdown, …). Since they’re out of the scope of this article and also to keep this post shorter, I don’t explain them here. Please visit the project on my Github for full code and feel free to contact me or leave a comment if you have any question or suggestion on any part of the code.

Now, In order to deploy our Producer to the Kubernetes, we need to create a Dockerfile:

Let’s build our Dockerfile and publish it to our local repository:

$ docker build -t nrsina/strimzi-producer:v1 .

And also a Kubernetes Deployment file to deploy the Producer on Kubernetes:

Let’s apply our deployment file, wait for the pod to start and get the logs from the pod:

Deploying Strimzi Producer app in Kubernetes

As you can see from the above screenshot, our producer is up and running. Awesome! Now, let’s get our hands dirty with the Consumer…

The Consumer

For our consumer, we’re going to build a consumer using the Scala language with Alpakka Kafka library which is an impressive Kafka library by Lightbend. By scaling our consumer, we can see how Consumer Group works. But before jumping into the code, I’d like to talk a little bit about Delivery Semantics (Delivery Guarantees) since it’s a very important issue to consider when using any stream processing framework.

Delivery Semantics

Kafka uses a dumb broker / smart consumer design. The broker only keeps the messages for a certain amount of time and consumers should keep track of their offset in partitions of the topic. So the developer should configure the consumer based on the business needs. We have three delivery semantics:

  • At most once. This is the most relaxed semantic. With this semantic, message might get processed one time or not at all (message can get lost and it cannot be redelivered). This semantic happens when the commitment of the offsets has nothing to to with the processing of the message.
    By setting the enable.auto.commit property of the consumer to true, the consumer offsets will be periodically committed in the background. So we have no control on the offsets and if the process of a message fails, the consumer can’t request the message from the topic again since the offset has been committed before and moved passed the failed message.
  • At least once. This semantic ensures that a message may never get lost but may get redelivered. So the message might get processed more than one time (but never lost). When this delivery semantic is needed, the consumer has to take control of the offset committing.
    The commitment should happen after the processing of the message is done. So if the process fails, no offset will be committed. And on the next pull from the topic, the failed message will get redelivered again.
    Bear in mind that with this approach, the processing of a message may be successful but the committing fails for any reason. So then again the message will be redelivered. This is because our processing (for example, persisting in a database) and committing the offsets in Kafka are not in a single transaction. (The enable.auto.commit property should be false since we need to take control of the offset committing).
  • Exactly once. This semantic guarantees that the processing of the message happens only once. This is the most strong semantic. When we want to have exactly once semantics, the process and committing of the message should happen in a single transaction.
    For example, if we are persisting the message in PostgreSQL, we should also persist the offsets in the same database so we can easily wrap both of them in a single transaction. If the persisting of the offset fails, the persisting of the message will also roll backs and vice versa.

You may ask why not always use exactly once semantics? Sounds like it’s the best approach! That may be true but you have to take the overhead it causes into the consideration. So use the semantic that best meets your business requirements.

Creating the Consumer

We are using Akka for this project. Akka is a toolkit consisting of many open-source libraries for designing concurrent, distributed and resilient applications by leveraging Actor Model. Akka uses Actor model which provides a high level of abstraction for building concurrent applications and alleviates the developer from dealing with low-level thread management and locking. Actors are single and independent units that encapsulate state and behavior and they communicate with other actors via message passing. A hierarchy of actors can be formed in Akka. Refer to Akka’s documentation for more information.

Our configuration resides in application.conf file [HOCON format]:

akka {
loglevel = DEBUG
akka.management {
http {
hostname = ""
bind-hostname = ""
port = 8558
strimzi-consumer {
bootstrap-servers = "localhost:9092"
bootstrap-servers = ${?SC_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER}
group-id = "my-group"
group-id = ${?SC_GROUP_ID}
enable-auto-commit = "false" // false for at-least-once semantics
enable-auto-commit = ${?SC_AUTO_COMMIT}
auto-offset-reset = "latest" // other value: earliest
auto-offset-reset = ${?SC_OFFSET_RESET}
topic = "my-topic"
topic = ${?SC_TOPIC_NAME}
parallelism = 10 // batch processing of consumed messages
parallelism = ${?SC_PARALLELISM_NUM}
sleep-time-ms = 100 // simulates computation of a message
sleep-time-ms = ${?SC_SLEEP_TIME}

Since we have added the Akka Management dependency, we need to configure it via akka.management key. Akka Management provides some useful HTTP APIs for easy management. We only need the health check APIs provided by the Akka Management because we’re going to deploy it on Kubernetes.

The important part of the configuration is the strimzi-consumer key. Here, we have added the configurations needed for a Kafka consumer. notice the ${?…} value for each key. What happens here is that if the environment variable with the specified name exists (for example, SC_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER), the value from environment variable will be overridden. the ? before variable name makes it optional.

Before creating our actors, an ActorSystem must be defined with a root actor (Guardian). For the sake of simplicity, we have directly used our Consumer Actor instead of a Guardian. So, in our Main class (Application.scala):

We need to create a ConsumerSettings object to pass to the Consumer. we have created our ConsumerSettings object in ConsumerProperties.scala file:

As you have noticed, we have directly used a Byte Array as the value type of the Kafka message. It’s considered a best practice in Alpakka Kafka library:

The general recommendation for de-/serialization of messages is to use byte arrays (or Strings) as value and do the de-/serialization in a map operation in the Akka Stream instead of implementing it directly in Kafka de-/serializers. When deserialization is handled explicitly within the Akka Stream, it is easier to implement the desired error handling strategy as the examples below show.

Akka documentation

Now, let’s create our Consumer actor:

Alpakka Kafka provides various consumer implementations for different needs. I explained some of them in the comments above the Consumer code. here, we are using sourceWithOffsetContext that can be used to achieve at least once delivery semantics. also, with the help of the MapAsync, we are processing messages in batch and committing the offset after the processing of the message.

We’re almost done! Now we need to create a Docker image and publish it into our repository. Since we are using SBT build tool, we can use the SBT Native Packager plugin that can get this job done automatically. So no need to create a Dockerfile by hand.

For the SBT Native Packager to work, first we need to add the SBT plugin into the /project/plugins.sbt file

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.7.6")

And then we need to enable the plugin by adding enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging) in the build.sbt file. we can also customize the process with the settings provided by the plugin. For example, the default base image that this plugin uses is large and we can easily provide our desired base image:

Now, by using the below command, this plugin creates a Docker image and publish it to our local repository. Also, the Dockerfile will be created at /target/docker folder. Check out the project on my Github for more information

$ sbt docker:publishLocal

If you only want the SBT plugin to create the Dockerfile and not to publish it, run the below command:

$ sbt docker:stage

Now it’s time to write some YAML files:

We are going to create 3 replicas for our consumer to see how the GroupId works.

Now, just like before, let’s apply our deployment file, wait for the pod to start and get logs from one of the pods:

Deploying Strimzi Consumer app in Kubernetes

Voilà! Three replicas of our consumer app is running and consuming messages from Kafka.


After deploying our Kafka Cluster on Kubernetes (Part 1), we have built a producer app in Go language and a consumer app in Scala language. After publishing our applications and watching the logs, it looks like everything is fine and running well. But is it? Are we sure that everything is ok? What is the rate of producing / consuming messages? Do we have a “Consumer Lag” here? By the look of the logs everything is fine and running well. But we are not really sure how our apps and Kafka are performing. We need some monitoring tools to monitor the Kafka’s performance. In the next part of the series, we are going to use Prometheus and Grafana to monitor our Cluster.

Feel free to ask any questions or share any comments in the comment section or contact me via email.

Originally published at https://snourian.com on October 23, 2020.


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Sina Nourian
Sina Nourian

Written by Sina Nourian

CTO at Daneshgar Technology Co. Ltd | Interested in Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Serverless computing, Data Stream Processing and Microservices

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